The entire world saw a major change in lifestyle ever since the coronavirus was declared a global pandemic. Over the last year, we have learnt how to live in the new norm in the current-COVID-19 world. At first many people believed that the virus doesn’t really exist but when the death tolls started piling up, […]
Author: Austin Suarez
How to Properly Clean Your Makeup Brushes
The kitchen sink can be a gross stinky place. Not only does it have all the cooking utensils and plates and the kitchen countertop to remind you of home, but it also has the bathrooms to remind you of home. The bathrooms are probably the worst rooms in the house to keep your beauty clean. […]
Hot Yoga Classes: Are They Safe?
Yoga is a structured set of physical, emotional, and spiritual exercises or philosophies that originated in Ancient India. The word “yoga” derives from the Sanskrit meaning “to join”. In modern times, yoga has become popular as a popular exercise regime. It is often practiced as a spiritual practice, but many people use it for fitness […]
Allergy And Allergies And What Causes Them
One of the most important roles of your immune system is to kill harmful substances from the body. If you have an allergy to something, your immune system will automatically react to that substance as if that substance is dangerous and will attempt to eliminate it from your body as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, sometimes […]
An Introduction to Beauty Theory
Beauty is an ascription to a human characteristic or possession which gives a subjective experience of satisfaction or happiness to the person who sees it. Beauty is studied as a part of sociological, psychological, cultural and aesthetic science. Psychology attempts to explain how and why people are attracted to each other, including their sex and […]
Prevent Health Problems By Developing A Healthy Diet
Health is a condition of body, mind and spirit in which infirmity and disease are absent. It is the combination of the physiological, psychological and social aspects that determine the health of a human being. A happy and healthy life is the key to long-term progress and enables the individual to enjoy life to the […]
The Determinants of Health Status
Health is a condition of mental, physical and social well being in which infirmity and illness are absent. Mental health is an essential part of the condition, but is not as important as physical health. The term “Mental Health” has been frequently used to replace the phrase “HIV, AIDs, Diabetes, Depression, and Hypertension.” The first […]
What Is Beauty?
Beauty has been the explanation of some psychological property or quality to an individual, human, thing, place or entity that gives a subjective experience of satisfaction or pleasure. Beauty is researched extensively as a major aspect of social psychology, art history, anthropology, sociology and cosmology. In current times, science has come up with several explanations […]
Allergy Medications And Allergy Treatment Options
Allergies are a condition that affects the immune system of a person. It is a system that works to identify allergens and fight back any infections caused by these allergens. When a person has a reaction to one of the allergens, this reaction can cause the body to produce antibodies to fight off the allergen. […]
Developmental Psychology
Health is a condition of mental, physical and social well being where infirmity and disease are absent. It encompasses a person’s total well being; it refers to the interrelations of mind, body and spirit. It implies the promotion of health by ensuring optimum health of mind and body through proper nutrition, exercise and motivation. This […]